Centre Rey Leroux
Bring a historic building back to life with a decorative fresco? This is a mission for the painters of La Crémerie.
When the Rey Leroux medical educational institute contacted us to give an identity and freshness to this old school, we responded immediately.
This association has been caring for children with delicate health in public schools in Rennes for almost a century, but also young people from modest families. Imbued with humanism, the two founders, Alexis Rey and Oscar Leroux, continued to develop this place over the years, where the verbs educate and care have always been combined.
The timing is tight, the completion date has already been set to organize a day dedicated to employees, with a Viennese break in the morning, a shared meal around a food truck reserved for the occasion, invitation from Austrian managers...
In order not to stand out in this historic architectural landscape, we opt for a range of blues, in order to mix this tower and the horizon. The association's request is to adorn this tower with a great thinker made up of recycled objects.
We therefore created an accumulation of objects, playing between strong lines, lights and shadows. The idea of giving several degrees of reading to this fresco motivated us to push the level of detail up a notch, by integrating a multitude of everyday objects, but others more singular, a nod to our discoveries of the day.
Painters: Hayku - Fortune - Gloar
Area: 60m²
Completion time: 2 days
Others murales:
Over a period of two days, our team works alternately with brushes, rollers and spray paint to transform this rough wall into a freshly painted surface, and create an artistic representation of a thinker made up of various objects, and embellish it by framing it with shades of blue and gray.
Mission accomplished, we recycled this characterless facade into a unique work, the Recyclerie is now easily identifiable, while bringing visitors and residents into our world.
Thanks again to Jean Michel, the members of the association, the center staff and the town hall for their warm welcome, and their daily work with young people.