Palisade rue de Chateaugiron
We wanted to put neighborhood life at the heart of our visual, while maintaining the promoter's chromatic charter.
A legible and large-scale typography allows a quick identification of the project at first, then when the spectator approaches the fresco, he discovers a multitude of details which enrich the graphic subject.
During the realization of this project, many inhabitants of the district came to meet us to discuss our practice, our future and past projects. The opportunity also for us to learn a little more about the history of the neighborhood and the inhabitants. In short, a large achievement in the heart of the city, everything we love!
It was in the Landry district in the south-east of Rennes that our team was asked to create this large-scale fresco on a construction site palisade.
"Mobility, New commercial area and Living together" were the main themes that guided us for the creation of the visual, the idea being to have a fairly simplistic and understandable approach for everyone, the use of simple silhouettes lending itself to marvel at this type of exercise.
The purpose of this achievement was to present to local residents the future real estate program that will be established in the district, and to image the different aspects of these new developments.

Painters: Fortune - Gloar
Area: 32m²
Completion time: 2 days
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