IUT Department of Chemistry
Erlenmeyer flask, test tube, recycling symbol, molecule, and logo are lovingly placed on this attractive façade.
Made in July, the fresco was able to benefit from a deserted parking lot, although usually full to bursting with students. The shade was also there allowing us to quickly design this giant painting.
Notice to all chemists:
We have slipped a piece of molecule on the left of the fresco, will you be able to guess which molecule it is?
Second mural on the theme of chemistry for La Crémerie! This time it is the IUT Chemistry Department of Rennes 1 University who expressed the desire to have a little color on its blank wall.
After the ENSCR, located a few wingbeats from the IUT, the Crémerie spent four days on an articulated platform to create this mural.
Green being the official color for the chemistry department, we obviously opted for a striking green. The symbols recommended by the occupants of the place have been affixed in white on large cracks.
Painters: Fortunes - Haiku - Gloar - Mya
Area: 54m²
Completion time: 4 days