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Casting - Gévézé

This time it's the Bar le Casting's turn to benefit from an interior decoration!


After "La Banque", "Le Dériveur" and "Les grands gamins", a new collaboration with France Boissons was born this year.


Objective: to darken the places with an industrial atmosphere stamped:

Clan Campbell Dark

It took our team two days to complete this interior decoration.


After a study of the visual identity of the Clan Campbell brand followed by sketches and models, the atmosphere was set.

"Dark and mysterious, industrial and understated."

Don't hesitate to come and discover this fresco and test the new atmosphere of the bar!!!


The address is simple:

11 Rue de Rennes,
35850 Gévezé

Facebook : lecastingbar


Schedules : 

Tuesday: 3 p.m.–1 a.m.

Wednesday: 3 p.m.–1 a.m.

Thursday: 15:00–01:00

Friday: 11:00–01:00

Saturday: 11:00–01:00

Sunday: 11 a.m.–2 p.m., 5 p.m.–1 a.m.

Monday: Closed


Other frescoes made: 

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