Palisade Rue de Nantes
The Arc Group gives carte blanche to the Crémerie to create a dynamic fresco on their site palisade. Located rue de Nantes, this palisade now has a new look that is definitely Wild.
Once is not custom, a palisade of building site is entrusted to the graffiti artists of the Crémerie. This time, no predefined theme, and we love it! So no restraint on the choice of colors, we will take them all.
This corrugated metal support, 70 meters long in total, has the good idea of being naturally tinted black. A godsend in general for a graffiti artist wishing to use the maximum brilliance of a color. Indeed, the covering power of a spray paint is rarely disappointing on a dark surface.
An anthology of colors for an ephemeral palisade, ideally located in one of the busiest passages.

The team of painters took advantage of the perfect weather to apply the first sketches. Under the direction of Gloaros, the Wild Style specialist, the fillings follow at lightning speed, they must be distributed in an intelligent way in order to ensure a visual balance. The final effects and contours are quickly put in place by our team and benefit from special care for a refined finish .
In total four days will have been enough for the painters of the collective to perfect the dressing of this palisade of construction site. The Arc Group's new real estate program now has more than visible support!

Other palisades made: